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Litter planning for 2024

Our litter with our Gea is coming soon.
Mating date was mid-March 2024 - expected litter date is 16-19 May 2024

The father of the puppies is the wonderful multi-champion and working dog "Tamberi Mezza Barba" from Antonio Pagliaroli, who
lives in Sulmona ( Italy ).


Avelyn Pugibet  End (2).jpg

Die Welpen wurden am 20.5.2024 geboren und heissen: 

Rüde 1: Lagotto Passion Virtuo Vino Francisco          Rüde 2: Lagotto Passsion Viva el Tango Dimitrios

Hündin 1: Lagotto Passion Viva l'Allegria Lucia        Hündin 2: Lagotto Passion Viva l'Allegria Aglaïa

Hündin 3: Lagotto Passion Viva l'Allegria Gloria

If you are interested in our offspring, we look forward to your inquiries. We also ask you to state what you plan to do with the dog in the future (agility, companion dog, truffle sport, breeding dog, exhibitions, etc.) so that we can bring you and your future partner together as a team.

Puppies from our breeding

Artemide und Flocki (von Bonettini Barbara, Italien)
(Besitzer: Mark Sudret Frankreich)

Am 2.5 wurde unser Lagotto Passion Vim and Vigor Orion geboren


Litter planning for 2023

Principe ChItalia_edited_edited.jpg
Alle unsere Wepen sind frei von JE, LSD, Furnishing.

Unsere Welpen heissen:

Lagotto Passion Bienaimée Belana
Lagotto Passion Bienaimée Aphrodite    beide Mädchen bleiben bei uns in der Zucht
Lagotto Passion Bien Aimé Prince            Lebt in Mitbesitz in der Schweiz in die Zucht
                                                          Nid de Mauberger 
Lagotto Passion Bien Aimé Balder (Peri)   Lebt in Wien
Lagotto Passion Bien Aimé Bailey            Lebt in Wien

Lagotto Passion Bien Aimé Roi-Elvis         bleibt bei uns


Lagotto Passion Bien Aimé Prince konnte in der IHA- Aarau 2023 den ersten Platz im Ehrenring 
Minor Puppy unter 60 Konkurrenten erringen.  Wir gratulieren Alexandra und Claude Steiner für diesen großartigen Erfolg. Wir freuen uns sehr darüber!


In autumn 2020 the following mating took place:

Artemide and Bock both carry the title:


in ENCI (Cynological Dog Breeding Association, Italy)

That means:

Selected for breeding because of her beauty, her genetic makeup and health and because she passed the working test in truffle hunting.



Breeder: Vincenzo Ramacciato

Colour: roano-marrone



HD-A, JE-free, LSD-free, ED-free

Eye-free, furnishing-free

Champion: Italy, Croatia


Work test

Selected Producer

Breeding approval since 2018 FCI

Bock wurde bereits mehrfach Vater von wunderschönen Welpen, die ihrerseits bereits Championstitel tragen. Er steht uneingeschränkt als Deckrüde zur Verfügung. 


Multi-champion Artemide


Multic hampion Bock


Artemide Garden.jpg

Breeder: Antonio Poggiali

Colour: roano-marrone



HD-B, JE+/-, LSD-free, Partella-free

Furnishing free

Champion: Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, International


Work test

Companion dog test

Selected Producers

Breeding approval since 2018 FCI

Puppies from Lagotto Passion

Are you interested in a puppy from our breeding?

Please take the time to send us your request and tell us about the future care and place of residence of the puppy. You should describe the puppy that will soon enrich your family as best as possible.

-Why should it be a Lagotto?

-Why from the Lagotto Passion breeding.

-Which family member wants the dog.

-Who will take over the education.

-What task should the dog have?

-Which sports are planned.

-Does any family member(s) have allergies.

What else you should know about us:

-We will be happy to take the time to answer your questions.

-We do not reserve puppies after birth or select them purely by color. Our puppies are selected based on characteristics that suit their new owners and their future tasks.

-Please let us know if you are looking for a service dog (therapy, school dog, etc.) as we try to match our puppies to their future owners based on their abilities.


am 14.12.2020 haben bei uns zwei stramme Burschen das Licht der

Welt erblickt.

Nr.1 Lagotto Passion Amabile San Roch

Nr.2 Lagotto Passion Amabile Don Christos

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